Lufthansa LH6843 (ACA808) YYZ to MAN, YYZ to AMS, YUL to CMN (2024)

Operated by Air Canada as flight AC808
31. Aug 2024





6h 35m
5,996km / 3,701mi



31 Aug 21:50 EDT
31 Aug 20:45
01. Sep 01:50 UTC

01 Sep 10:25 CEST
01 Sep 10:20
08:25 UTC
" : ""}Lufthansa LH6843 (ACA808) YYZ to MAN, YYZ to AMS, YUL to CMN (4)`; if (activeHex in marker) { liveMap.removeLayer(marker[activeHex]); } const m = L.marker(activeMarker.getLatLng(), { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'flt-marker', html: htmlc }), alt: activeHex, opacity: lp[7] != '' ? 0.9 : 0.6 }).addTo(liveMap).on('click', onPlaneClick); marker[activeHex] = m; document.getElementById(`mi-${activeHex}`).style.transform = `rotate(${lp[2]}deg)`; activeMarker = null; } activeHex = null; liveTrack = null; liveMarker = null; estTrack = null; document.getElementById('liveMapContainer').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('mapSearch').style.display = 'block';} /** * Recalculates the new position of a marker based on the time elapsed and its previous state. * @param {Object} liveMap */async function updateCalc(liveMap) { if (recalcInProg || liveMap.getZoom() < 6) { return; } recalcInProg = true; for (const [key, prevPos] of Object.entries(lastPos)) { if (key in marker && prevPos[3] >= 50 && !prevPos[6]) { const speed = prevPos[3] || 0; const interval = - prevPos[4]; const dist = speed * interval / 1000 / 3600 * 1852; if (dist < 20) { continue; } // calculate next position const lat1 = toRad(prevPos[0]); const lon1 = toRad(prevPos[1]); const brng = toRad(prevPos[2]); const lat2 = Math.asin(sin(lat1) * cos(dist / r_earth) + cos(lat1) * sin(dist / r_earth) * cos(brng)); const lon2 = lon1 + Math.atan2(sin(brng) * sin(dist / r_earth) * cos(lat1), cos(dist / r_earth) - sin(lat1) * sin(lat2)); const lat2d = toDeg(lat2); const lon2d = toDeg(lon2); lastPos[key] = [lat2d, lon2d, prevPos[2], prevPos[3],, prevPos[5], prevPos[6], prevPos[7]]; marker[key].setLatLng([lat2d, lon2d]); if (liveTrack && activeMarker == key) { const l = liveTrack.getLatLngs(); l.push(L.latLng(lat2d, lon2d, prevPos[5])); try { liveTrack.setLatLngs(l); } catch (e) { /* Catch error silently. */ } if (activeDest) { const tn = L.latLng(lat2d, lon2d); liveMap.removeLayer(estTrack); const arcOptions = { color: "lightgray", noClip: true, vertices: 100 }; estTrack = t.lng < tn.lng ? L.Polyline.Arc(activeDest, tn, arcOptions) : L.Polyline.Arc(tn, activeDest, arcOptions); estTrack.addTo(liveMap); tracks.push(estTrack); } } } } recalcInProg = false;}/** * Fetches data from a specific URL, handles errors and returns the JSON response. * @param {string} url */async function getData(url) { const response = await fetch(url, { headers: { Authorization: auth_token } }); if (!response.ok) { handleFetchErrors(response); return null; } if (sf === "") { document.getElementById("liveUpdErr").style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById("liveUpdNotFound").style.display = 'none'; } return response.json();}/** * Handles errors during fetch call * @param {Object} response */function handleFetchErrors(response) { if (sf !== "") return; const liveUpdErr = document.getElementById("liveUpdErr"); const liveUpdNotFound = document.getElementById("liveUpdNotFound"); const liveMapContainer = document.getElementById("liveMapContainer"); const mapSearch = document.getElementById("mapSearch"); if (response.status !== 404) { refreshsActive = false; = 'none'; = 'block'; = 'none'; = 'block'; document.getElementById("liveUpdErrCode").innerText = response.status; } else { = 'none'; = 'none'; = 'block'; = 'block'; }}async function updateMap(liveMap, fromZoom, clickHex) { if (documentIsHidden()) return; const bounds = liveMap.getBounds(); const url = constructURL(bounds, liveMap.getZoom(), clickHex); if (updateInProgressOrTooSoon(fromZoom)) return; recalcInProg = true; lastUpdate =; updateInProg = true; const ld = await getData(url); if (!ld) { updateInProg = false; return; } processMapData(liveMap, ld, fromZoom, clickHex);}function documentIsHidden() { return typeof document.hidden !== "undefined" && document.hidden;}function constructURL(bounds, zoom, clickHex) { const widthText = screenWidth > 1000 ? "large" : "small"; const hexIncl = clickHex ? `?incl=${clickHex}&` : "?"; return `/en/live/map/${Math.floor(bounds['_northEast'].lat * 1e5)}/${Math.floor(bounds['_southWest'].lat * 1e5)}/` + `${Math.floor(bounds['_southWest'].lng * 1e5)}/${Math.floor(bounds['_northEast'].lng * 1e5)}/${zoom}/${widthText}` + hexIncl + `${Math.floor( / 5000)}`;}function updateInProgressOrTooSoon(fromZoom) { if (updateInProg) { return true; } const freq = fromZoom ? minZoomFreq : minRefreshFreq; return - lastUpdate < freq;}function processMapData(liveMap, ld, fromZoom, clickHex) { newMarker = {}; arcs = []; curArc = []; arcCol = ""; prevCoord = []; document.getElementById("nr_flights_disp").innerText = ld["f"]; document.getElementById("nr_flights_tot").innerText = ld["t"]; const st = screenWidth / ld["f"] > 5; const redraw = st !== hadTitles; for (const entr in ld["m"]) { const e = ld["m"][entr]; handleMarker(liveMap, e, redraw, st); } hadTitles = st; removeUnusedMarkers(liveMap); updateInProg = false; recalcInProg = false; firstUpd = false; if (clickHex) { marker[clickHex].fire('click'); }}function handleMarker(liveMap, e, redraw, st) { if (e[4] == null || e[5] == null) { return; } const currentPos = L.latLng(e[4], e[5]); if (redraw && e[0] in marker) { liveMap.removeLayer(marker[e[0]]); delete marker[e[0]]; } if (e[0] in marker) { updateExistingMarker(e, currentPos); } else { createNewMarker(liveMap, e, currentPos, st); }}function updateExistingMarker(e, currentPos) { const m = marker[e[0]]; m.setLatLng(currentPos); lastPos[e[0]] = [e[4], e[5], e[2], e[6],, e[7], e[8], e[9]]; newMarker[e[0]] = true; document.getElementById("mi-" + e[0]).style.transform = "rotate(" + e[2] + "deg)";}function createNewMarker(liveMap, e, currentPos, st) { var des = TypeDesignatorIcons[e[10]]; if (!des) { des = DefaultIcon; } const htmlc = (st ? "

" + e[9] + "

" : "") + "Lufthansa LH6843 (ACA808) YYZ to MAN, YYZ to AMS, YUL to CMN (5)"; const m = L.marker(currentPos, { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'flt-marker', html: htmlc }), alt: e[0], opacity: e[3] ? 0.9 : 0.6 }).addTo(liveMap).on('click', onPlaneClick); marker[e[0]] = m; markerType[e[0]] = des; newMarker[e[0]] = true; lastPos[e[0]] = [e[4], e[5], e[2], e[6],, e[7], e[8], e[9]]; document.getElementById("mi-" + e[0]).style.transform = "rotate(" + e[2] + "deg)";}function removeUnusedMarkers(liveMap) { for (const m in marker) { if (!(m in newMarker) && m != activeHex) { liveMap.removeLayer(marker[m]); delete marker[m]; } }}function onPlaneClick(e) { if (sf != "") { return; } updateInProg = true; const liveMap =; const hex =; if (hex == activeHex) { return; } updateTrack(liveMap, `/${lang}/live/track_hex/${hex}`, hex, e);}function onMoveend(e) { localStorage.setItem('livemapCenter', JSON.stringify(; localStorage.setItem('livemapZoom',; updateMap(e.sourceTarget, false); } function onZoomed(e) { updateMap(e.sourceTarget, true) }// Define a utility function for creating a markerfunction createMarker(latLng, iconClass, htmlContent, alt, opacity) { return L.marker(latLng, { icon: L.divIcon({ className: iconClass, html: htmlContent }), alt: alt, opacity: opacity, }).on('click', onPlaneClick);}function updateTrack(liveMap, url, hex, e) { let prevCoord = null; let prevCoordFull = null; getData(url).then(function (ld) { if (!ld) { return; } const hadNoHex = hex === ""; if (hex === "" && url.includes("hex")) { hex = ld[0]; } else if (hex === "") { hex = ld[1]; } if (activeMarker && hex !== activeHex) { // Reset old marker const lp = lastPos[activeHex]; const des = markerType[activeHex]; const htmlc = (hadTitles ? "

" + lp[7] + "

" : "") + "Lufthansa LH6843 (ACA808) YYZ to MAN, YYZ to AMS, YUL to CMN (6)`; liveMap.removeLayer(marker[activeHex]); const m = L.marker(activeMarker.getLatLng(), { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'flt-marker', html: htmlc }), alt: activeHex, opacity: lp[7] != '' ? 0.9 : 0.6 }).addTo(liveMap).on('click', onPlaneClick); marker[activeHex] = m; markerType[activeHex] = des; document.getElementById("mi-" + activeHex).style.transform = "rotate(" + lp[2] + "deg)"; activeMarker = m; } // Set new marker const target = e ? : marker[hex]; if (hex !== activeHex && target) { const lp = lastPos[hex]; const des = markerType[hex]; const htmlc = (hadTitles ? "

" + lp[7] + "

" : "") + "Lufthansa LH6843 (ACA808) YYZ to MAN, YYZ to AMS, YUL to CMN (7)`; const m = L.marker(target.getLatLng(), { icon: L.divIcon({ className: 'flt-marker', html: htmlc }), alt: hex, opacity: ld[3] ? 0.9 : 0.6 }).addTo(liveMap).on('click', onPlaneClick); marker[hex] = m; liveMap.removeLayer(target); activeMarker = m; if (!e) { document.getElementById("mi-" + hex).style.transform = "rotate(" + lp[2] + "deg)"; } } refreshsActive = true; recalcInProg = true; arcs = []; curArc = []; arcCol = ""; prevCoord = []; track = ld[23]; if (sf === "") { if (ld[0] !== "") { domElements.get("liveFlnr").href = `/${lang}/live/flight_details/${ld[10]}`; domElements.get("liveFlnr").innerText = ld[0]; } else { domElements.get("liveFlnr").innerText = ""; domElements.get("liveFlnr").href = ""; } if (ld[21]) { domElements.get("liveAirline").innerText = ld[21]; } else { domElements.get("liveAirline").innerText = ""; } domElements.get("liveHex").innerText = ld[1]; if (ld[2] !== "" && ld[2] !== ld[0]) { domElements.get("liveCallsign").innerText = ld[2]; } else { domElements.get("liveCallsign").innerText = ""; } if (ld[3] !== "") { domElements.get("liveReg").href = `/${lang}/planes/${ld[3]}`; domElements.get("liveRegBlock").style.display = "block"; domElements.get("liveReg").innerText = ld[3]; } else { domElements.get("liveReg").innerText = "NA"; domElements.get("liveRegBlock").style.display = "none"; domElements.get("liveReg").href = ""; } if (ld[4] !== "NA") { if (domElements.get("liveRouteContainer")) { domElements.get("liveRouteContainer").style.display = "block"; } domElements.get("liveDep").innerText = ld[5]; domElements.get("liveDepFlag").src = "/staticfiles/" + ld[6].toLowerCase() + ".svg"; domElements.get("liveDep").href = `/${lang}/airport/${ld[5]}/${ld[4]}`; domElements.get("liveDepTime").innerText = ld[11]; if (ld[19] && ld[19] !== "+0") { domElements.get("liveDepDelay").innerText = ld[19]; } else { domElements.get("liveDepDelay").innerText = ""; } } else { domElements.get("liveDep").innerText = "NA"; domElements.get("liveDepTime").innerText = ""; domElements.get("liveDepDelay").innerText = ""; if (domElements.get("liveRouteContainer")) { domElements.get("liveRouteContainer").style.display = "none"; } } if (ld[7] !== "NA") { if (domElements.get("liveRouteContainer")) { domElements.get("liveRouteContainer").style.display = "block"; } domElements.get("liveArr").innerText = ld[8]; domElements.get("liveArrFlag").src = "/staticfiles/" + ld[9].toLowerCase() + ".svg"; domElements.get("liveArr").href = `/${lang}/airport/${ld[8]}/${ld[7]}`; domElements.get("liveArrTime").innerText = ld[12]; if (ld[20] && ld[20] !== "+0") { domElements.get("liveArrDelay").innerText = ld[20]; } else { domElements.get("liveArrDelay").innerText = ""; } } else { domElements.get("liveArr").innerText = "NA"; domElements.get("liveArrTime").innerText = ""; domElements.get("liveArrDelay").innerText = ""; if (domElements.get("liveRouteContainer")) { domElements.get("liveRouteContainer").style.display = "none"; } } if (ld[10] !== null) { domElements.get("liveLink").href = `/${lang}/live/flight_details/${ld[10]}`; domElements.get("liveLink").style.display = "block"; } else { domElements.get("liveLink").style.display = "none"; } const lt = track[track.length - 1]; domElements.get("liveAlt").innerText = lt[3] + " ft"; domElements.get("liveSpeed").innerText = lt[5] + " kts"; domElements.get("liveTrack").innerText = lt[4] + "°"; if (ld[18] !== "") { domElements.get("planePic").src = ld[18]; domElements.get("planePic").style.display = "block"; } else { domElements.get("planePic").style.display = "none"; } if (ld[22]) { domElements.get("liveType").innerText = ld[22]; domElements.get("liveTypeBlock").style.display = "block"; } else { domElements.get("liveTypeBlock").style.display = "none"; domElements.get("liveType").innerText = "NA"; } } // update upper items if relevant const liveStatusInd = domElements.get("liveStatusInd"); const liveStatusText = domElements.get("liveStatusText"); if (liveStatusInd && true) { if (!domElements.has("liveTrackHB")) { domElements.set("liveAltHB", document.getElementById("liveAltHB")); domElements.set("liveSpeedHB", document.getElementById("liveSpeedHB")); domElements.set("liveTrackHB", document.getElementById("liveTrackHB")); domElements.set("liveDataHB", document.getElementById("liveDataHB")); } liveStatusInd.innerText = ld[17] ? "Live" : "Landed"; const lt = ld[23][ld[23].length - 1]; if (domElements.get("depTimeLiveHB")) { domElements.get("depTimeLiveHB").innerText = ld[11]; domElements.get("arrTimeLiveHB").innerText = ld[12]; domElements.get("depDelHB").innerText = ld[19]; domElements.get("arrDelHB").innerText = ld[20]; domElements.get("liveAltHB").innerText = lt[3]; domElements.get("liveSpeedHB").innerText = lt[5]; domElements.get("liveTrackHB").innerText = lt[4]; } if (!ld[17]) { domElements.get("liveDataHB").style.display = "none"; } } if (liveStatusText && ld[17]) { liveStatusText.innerText = ""; } if (ld[13] !== null && ld[14] !== null && track.length > 0 && Math.abs(ld[13] - track[0][1] / 1e5) > 1 && Math.abs(ld[14] - track[0][2] / 1e5) > 1) { arcs.push([[[ld[13], ld[14]], [track[0][1] / 1e5, track[0][2] / 1e5]], "lightgray", true]); } prevCoord = null; prevCoordFull = null; lp = null; for (const entr in track) { const p = track[entr]; if (p[1] === null || p[2] === null || p.length == 0) { continue; } let col = "green"; if (prevCoord && (Math.abs(prevCoord[0] - p[1] / 1e5) > 1 || Math.abs(prevCoord[1] - p[2] / 1e5) > 1)) { arcs.push([curArc, arcCol, false]); arcCol = ""; arcs.push([[[prevCoord[0], prevCoord[1]], L.latLng(p[1] / 1e5, p[2] / 1e5, p[3])], "lightgray", true]); curArc = [L.latLng(p[1] / 1e5, p[2] / 1e5, p[3])]; } else if (arcCol !== col) { if (curArc.length > 0) { arcs.push([curArc, arcCol, false]); } if (prevCoord) { curArc = [prevCoord]; } else { curArc = []; } arcCol = col; } prevCoordFull = [p[1] / 1e5, p[2] / 1e5, p[4], p[5],, p[3], false, ld[0]]; prevCoord = L.latLng(p[1] / 1e5, p[2] / 1e5, p[3]); curArc.push(prevCoord); if (p[4] !== 0) { lastTrack = p[4]; } } if (curArc.length > 0) { arcs.push([curArc, arcCol]); } if (ld[15] !== null && ld[16] !== null && prevCoord && (Math.abs( - ld[15]) > 0.1 || Math.abs(prevCoord.lng - ld[16]) > 0.1)) { arcs.push([[prevCoord, [ld[15], ld[16]]], "lightgray", true]); activeDest = L.latLng(ld[15], ld[16]); } for (const idx in tracks) { tracks[idx].remove(); } tracks = []; for (const idx in arcs) { const a = arcs[idx]; if (a[2]) { if (a[0][0][1] > a[0][1][1]) { const temp = a[0][0]; a[0][0] = a[0][1]; a[0][1] = temp; } p = L.Polyline.Arc(a[0][0], a[0][1], { color: a[1], noClip: true, vertices: 100 }); estTrack = p; } else { p = L.hotline(a[0], { palette: { 0: 'lightgray', 0.1: 'green', 0.5: 'yellow', 0.7: 'orange', 1: 'red' }, min: 0, max: 36000, outlineWidth: 0, weight: 4, noClip: true }); liveTrack = p; } p.addTo(liveMap); tracks.push(p); } if (prevCoordFull) { lastPos[hex] = prevCoordFull; } if (prevCoord) { if (e) { const i = e.sourceTarget; i.setLatLng(prevCoord); activeMarker = i; if (lastTrack) { document.getElementById("mi-" + hex).style.transform = "rotate(" + lastTrack + "deg)"; } if (!refreshs && !viewSet) { liveMap.setView(prevCoord, 8); } } else { if (!activeMarker) { var des = TypeDesignatorIcons[ld[22]]; if (!des) { des = DefaultIcon; } activeMarker = L.marker(prevCoord, { icon: L.icon({ iconUrl: svgPathToURI(des.path,des.size,false,true), iconSize: liveMap._zoom > 7 ? sizes[0] : sizes[1] }), rotationAngle: prevCoordFull[2], rotationOrigin: "center center", opacity: 0.8, title: hex }).addTo(liveMap); } else { activeMarker.setLatLng(prevCoord); } } if (e || hadNoHex) { // Only set refresh on first click or for live flight tracks (no hex given then) if (trackRefresh) { window.clearInterval(trackRefresh); } if (ld[17]) { trackRefresh = window.setInterval(function () { if (refreshsActive) { updateTrack(liveMap, url, hex, null); } }, 3000); } } } if (!refreshs && !viewSet) { liveMap.setView(prevCoord, 8); } if (sf === "") { domElements.get("liveMapContainer").style.display = 'block'; if (document.getElementById("mapSearch")) { document.getElementById("mapSearch").style.display = 'none'; } } activeHex = hex; updateInProg = false; recalcInProg = false; });} function buildLiveMap(liveMap,activeHex) { const osmUrl = '{z}/{x}/{y}.png'; const osmAttrib = '© OpenStreetMap'; const osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, { attribution: osmAttrib }); liveMap.attributionControl.setPrefix(''); liveMap.addLayer(osm); updateMap(liveMap, false,activeHex); liveMap.on('zoomend', onZoomed); liveMap.on('moveend', onMoveend); } function buildTrackMap(liveMap, url) { const osmUrl = '{z}/{x}/{y}.png'; const osmAttrib = '© OpenStreetMap'; const osm = new L.TileLayer(osmUrl, { attribution: osmAttrib }); liveMap.attributionControl.setPrefix(''); liveMap.addLayer(osm); updateTrack(liveMap, url, "", null); } loadScript("/js/leaflet.js?20220413" ,function() { // set up the map map = new'map-flight',{sleep:false,minZoom:0, gestureHandling: false}); map.whenReady(() => map.gestureHandling?._handleMouseOver?.()); // create the tile layer with correct attribution map.fitBounds([[43.67667,-79.63056],[52.3,4.765]]); viewSet = true; dep=[43.67667,-79.63056]; arr=[52.3,4.765]; sf = "188082270"; buildTrackMap(map,"/en/live/track/188082270"); L.marker(dep).addTo(map); L.marker(arr).addTo(map); });
Full Screen Map


Air Canada


Airline Information


C-GHLM Airbus A330-300


297 seats
32 Business24 Eco+241 Economy

Jul 2001
23 years ago
Plane Information



Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat

5,996km 3,726mi

6,142km 3,817mi

7 hours 24 min

23 Flights
4 Flights/week delayed
85% On-Time Performance
Delay Statistics

280 seats/Flight
28,076 seats/week
Route Info




Lufthansa LH6843 (ACA808) YYZ to MAN, YYZ to AMS, YUL to CMN (2024)
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Author: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

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Views: 5750

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Reviews: 93% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

Phone: +5983010455207

Job: Legacy Representative

Hobby: Blacksmithing, Urban exploration, Sudoku, Slacklining, Creative writing, Community, Letterboxing

Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.